Fun with TMAs

Writing TMAs can be quite the task, and they can really get you down if let yourself get overwhelmed.  So I thought I’d do something to keep my spirits up with this one.

I’ve laid a small Easter egg in my TMA02 for TU100, and today was the day for the finishing touch.

It’s not big, but enough to make me smile.  The part in question involves netiquette, and finding information sources on the Internet.  I managed to find two sources on the Internet relating to my topic which were written on the same day in different years.  And then I’ve also written something myself on the same day this year.  Which happens to be today.

So I have things in the forum written on 21/11/2014, 21/11/2015, and now 21/11/2016.  I’d like to push it a bit further, and have an article in mind, but it will require an appropriate post to respond to, without torturing it too much.

It’d be nice if it caused some confusion during marking.

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